Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Happy Healthy Tummy in Kentucky! (Becca Doss of ---

One happy healthy tummy in Kentucky! 

Good morning, all!

I wanted to take a quick moment this morning to write a review about a new probiotic I was lucky enough to try courtesy of

Now, I'd venture to say that many of you who are reading this are in a situation similar to mine (as far as Lyme and other chronic illnesses go), so you probably know that probiotics are a good thing to include in your daily supplement regimen.  Most of our immune system is located in our gut, and when we deal with chronic illnesses--or take medications for those illnesses--our good intestinal bacteria essentially says "See ya later!"  This leaves us in one of two positions:  

1.) We spend our days dealing with issues caused by the abundance of bad bacteria and lack of good bacteria in our gut (abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, etc, as well as fatigue, lethargy, an overall toxic feeling, brain fog, and much more), so we take over the counter or prescription pharmaceuticals to combat the symptoms, after which we get frustrated because we don't get relief.  This is prone to lead us to that cycle of trying medication after medication designed to deal with symptoms instead of addressing the root cause, and that's a dangerous slope.


2.)  We spend our days dealing with issues caused by the abundance of bad bacteria and lack of good bacteria in our gut (abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, etc, as well as fatigue, lethargy, an overall toxic feeling, brain fog, and much more), so we research how to naturally manage the symptoms by way of actually healing the underlying cause.  Taking good quality probiotics is essential to healing your gut and restoring the good intestinal flora, which in turn will help remedy many (or all) of the issues being caused by the bacteria imbalance.

It seems to me that the choice is easy...I'll take the path that actually does the restorative healing work instead of the path that includes chemicals that not only provide no lasting relief from symptoms but also causes new symptoms to flare as a result of killing off even more good bacteria (most, if not all, pharmaceutical/chemical drugs come with this risk).

Enter Living Natural Advanced Probiotics.

I've taken assorted probiotics throughout the past couple of years, and the reason for this is mainly because I've learned that for me personally, I need to rotate my probiotics every so often so my body gets the widest range of probiotic strains it can.  I was looking around for a new probiotic to add to my ever-rotating arsenal, and I came across these tablets from Living Natural.  I'm happy to report that I've had excellent results taking these daily.  Probiotics are one of my absolute must-haves, due not only to the reasons listed above, but also due to my daily coffee enemas, and Living Natural has put out a product that has effectively helped restore my good gut bacteria and consequently almost all of those symptoms listed above have improved.

Like I said, I've tried a lot of brands of probiotics through the past couple of years, all with different strains and different dosages (CFUs), and some have been better than others at restoring my good flora and helping alleviate symptoms associated with lack thereof.  I can honestly say, though, that Living Natural Advanced Probiotics have made my top-5 list, meaning from here on out I plan on regularly including them in my rotation.  I would definitely recommend giving these a try if you're looking to start on probiotics (the dosage is low enough that it won't overwhelm your system when just starting out, but is also plenty high enough for probiotic veterans to reap benefits) or if you're been taking them for a long time and are looking for a new, high-quality product to try.

One last bit of exciting news!  Until January 31, I'm able to offer my readers the code: PROB0025 to apply at checkout to receive 25% off a bottle of 60 tablets, so head on over to Living Natural and check them out!

Thanks for reading, and if you end up trying these out (or if you have any questions about them), I'd love to hear from you!

God bless,


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