Thursday, January 1, 2015

Health Happiness in Michigan! (Michelle Amanda of ---

Health happiness in Michigan! 



FTC: Scale & Yacon Syrup provided for review

So you know how you go on vacation and you're just eating all that yummy free food and drinking all those delicious fruity cocktails with the cute little umbrellas and then you come home and get on the scale and have a small heart attack? Yeah, that was me last week. I came home tanned and happy but bloated and then came Christmas with even more food. I decided to try to do a light detox using Yogi Peach Detox Tea and Yacon Syrup to help me get back to feeling like my normal self. 

Living Natural's Yacon Syrup is an all natural sweetener that is supposed to help with slimming down, boosting metabolism and increasing energy levels. Yacon root is a soluble fiber with a low glycemic index. I've been using about a 1/2 of a tablespoon to sweeten my detox tea that I drink twice a day. In the past I've used Agave for sweetening tea but Yacon syrup does the job just as well with more health benefits. After drinking the tea I can definitely feel an energy boost which I believe comes from the yacon because the Peach Detox tea is caffeine free. The detox tea is herbal blend of teas that are supposed to help remove toxins from the body and support healthy liver function. It's labeled as Peach Detox tea but it taste nothing like peach! This tea is very cinnamon flavored which when mixed with the Yacon syrup actually reminds me of Horchata. Random but delicious. I've been drinking this tea twice a day in combination with eating a mostly clean diet for about four days. So far I can feel much less bloated and have more energy than I had before. 

I've also been using the Smart Weigh SBS500 Body Fat Precision Scale to help keep me on track. The Smart Weigh Body Fat Scale is not just your typical scale. It features advanced technology to provide you with important body information such as your BMI, body fat, body water, muscle mass, and bone mass. This scale is really cool. You can create a profile with your gender, age and height and it will store all of your info to help you track your progress. The profile was super easy to set up using the buttons on the scale; it took less than five minutes. I like this scale so much more than a traditional scale because it can be so discouraging to get on the scale and see a higher number when you've been trying to lose weight but with this scale you can see if you're building muscle or carrying water weight. The scale can hold up to eight profiles so everyone in the family can use it too. 

I plan on really rebooting my health journey and getting back on the wagon in the coming weeks but this feels like a nice baby step in the right direction for me. 

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