Saturday, December 20, 2014

Health Happiness in Illinois! (Emily Purpura of ---

Health happiness in Illinois!  

I was so excited for the chance to review Living Natural’s Yacon Syrup. I searched high and low for this sugar substitute when my bf’s dad was first diagnosed diabetic. It is an all natural sweetener that tastes a bit like molasses with a hint of licorice—when mixed with things like coffee it is very subtle yet satisfying. Yacon is unique because the body doesn’t digest it, so you get the satisfaction of a sweet  flavor without the consequences. I’m using it for my candida cleanse diet which bans sugar. I’ve used it as a sweetener for my coffee and in hot tonics and it does the trick! Check it out! 
I was so excited for the chance to review Living Natural’s Yacon Syrup. I searched high and low for this sugar substitute when my bf’s dad was first diagnosed diabetic. It is an all natural sweetener that tastes a bit like molasses with a hint of licorice—when mixed with things like coffee it is very subtle yet satisfying. Yacon is unique because the body doesn’t digest it, so you get the satisfaction of a sweet  flavor without the consequences. I’m using it for my candida cleanse diet which bans sugar. I’ve used it as a sweetener for my coffee and in hot tonics and it does the trick! Check it out! 

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